Top Ways to Beat Addiction

Cravings are part of your recovery journey. It does not matter whether you have not used it for a few weeks or months; you may experience an urge at any given time. The truth is that urges are relentless and they can find you at your weakest point. They can convince you that you do not deserve the change that you have worked so hard to achieve.


alcoholicWhenever a craving arises, you should resist the urge by talking yourself out of it with reason and logic. The fact that craving can be myopic and prevent you from getting the big picture, you should prepare the list ahead of time and have it ready for dealing with drug cravings. The list may have all the reasons you decide to quit in the first place plus the negative consequences that occur when you choose to use.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Cognitive-behavioral therapy offers a wide range of techniques to apply to cope with cravings whenever they arise. These include distraction, visualization, and redirection. When you face cravings, you should find something to redirect your attention to doing something or get distracted until the craving passes. Also, visualization problems can help you relax during cravings.

Get a Hobby

woman smokingYou should note that hobbies not only help build character but bring joy. Thus, they offer an excellent means of distraction whenever drug cravings hit you. Usually, cravings arise as a result of boredom, and the mind looks for a way to fill the empty space. In this case, a hobby provides something that you can engage in rather than drug use. Some of the hobbies you should consider are cooking, arts and craft, sports, fishing, video games, dancing, and hiking.

Surge the Urge

Instead of trying to stop your urge altogether, you can surf it instead. This is a mindfulness technique that rests on the principle of accepting cravings for what they are rather than resisting it. In this case, whenever you feel the craving, you stop and acknowledge it.


It is a good idea to practice self-care habits like exercising regularly and eating healthy. In this way, you help promote emotional well-being and physical health. That will make you less likely want to use drugs. Also, you will become more resilient and better at denying the craving whenever it arises.…

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